By Clinton Dalton, Esq., Watson Dalton LLC, 458 Boston St., Suite 2-6, Topsfield, MA 01983-1261, T. 978.462.3177
As you begin the collaborative divorce process, you will discover that each professional involved has specific areas of expertise that are best suited to each clients’ needs and financial resources. A couple, for example, should not be paying attorney fees for dealing with emotional, communication, or parenting issues. Instead, mental-health professionals – at a lower fee – would be better suited to deal with such concerns.
Your collaborative team is an experienced grouping, with each professional utilizing and sharing their specific expertise to help other team members, when appropriate, to offer a more comprehensive way of addressing the multitude of situations that can arise in a divorce. Rather than letting things fall apart, the team strives to present a wellness approach for the future of the family. The advantage to the clients is issues and problems, as they arise, are addressed and resolved by the appropriate and appropriately trained team member resulting in generally fair outcomes and a more efficient process.