Getting Started:
The steps towards Collaborative Divorce
First: CHOOSE a North Shore Collaborative Divorce attorney or neutral from Attorneys and Neutrals.
Second: CONTACT the attorney or neutral whom you select and talk with them to learn more about Collaborative Divorce. If you feel comfortable, make an appointment.
Third: MEET with the attorney or neutral. The attorneys and neutrals listed at Attorneys and Neutrals all maintain independent offices and have agreed not to charge for the first half hour of your meeting. During your meeting, the professional will explain how Collaborative Divorce can be the sensible, efficient, stress-reducing, amicable, and money saving way to resolve your divorce.
At your meeting with an attorney or a neutral, to increase efficiency, you may select or learn more about the other professionals who will be on your Collaborative Team, such as a facilitator neutral, financial neutral, child specialist or real estate appraiser.
At some point your spouse will have to select a Collaborative Attorney, for example any attorney, not selected by you, listed at Attorneys and Neutrals may be considered.
Fourth: RETAIN your Collaborative attorney and start to resolve the issues that can help lead to resolution. If you prefer, your attorney will then contact your spouse. Once your spouse is committed to resolving your divorce collaboratively, the two of you Will be on your way to a sensible divorce.
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