By Anthony C. Adamopoulos, Co-Founder of NorthShore Collaborative Divorce, Certified Divorce Mediator and Certified Collaborative Divorce Attorney

Avoiding an inevitable divorce can be harmful.

It is hard to believe, but things do get brighter when the split-up is in the past.

The two wise ways to put it in the past are – Mediation or Collaborative Divorce. Don’t expend money, energy and tears going the old route with lawyers that are not certified to travel the two smart roads to divorce resolution.

Your situation determines the best direction. If there is a child or children under age 23, there are three major concerns– take care of the children, take care of support and take care of the property.

Mediation is the best process when combined income is around $100,000.00 or less and there is no real disagreement over children, support or property.

Collaborative Divorce is the sensible route where combined income is over $100,000.00 and there are disputes like: Where will the kids live? or How much self-employment income does he or she really make?

Need more info?  Please visit our website to contact one of our professional.